Weight Loss Shakes

How many of us have had unpleasant experiences with weight loss shakes?  Whether it is the chalky diet shakes of the eighties and nineties or the pricey multilevel marketing shakes our friends always seem to be pushing, most meal replacement shakes are unpalatable, pricey, or both.  Weight loss food should taste good, which is why we make sure ours are delicious. In fact, they’re so tasty that many of our clients continue using them even after they complete their weight loss program because they’re so delectable and easy.  If you are cutting hundreds of calories out of your daily diet to induce weight loss, why waste any calories on shakes or supplements that do not even taste good?  Our weight loss program, developed by a Stanford trained physician, offers a proven diet that is tailored to your particular body mass index.  Do not get sucked into an ineffective weight loss trap – come see us first.

Weight loss shakes used for meal replacement can be part of a successful weight loss plan.  However, often using meal replacements means that the client does not learn how to eat real meals healthfully.  This is problematic, since the maintenance phase is essential to keep that weight off permanently, and most people do not want to drink shakes instead of eating meals permanently.  Once you’re ready to transition back to food after meal replacement and learn how to maintain your weight, email us at support@topdietdoctor.com to receive a transition and maintenance guide.  Often, what works for weight loss does not work as well for weight maintenance (and vice versa).  Weight loss food can be adapted to the maintenance phase by changing macronutrient ratios or increasing the quantity of healthy fats, complex carbohydrates, and protein.  With our various shakes, bars, and meal replacements, as well as continued support from our newsletters, you will not just go back to your old habits and gain the weight back.  You will stay our client for as long as you need to be.  Our proven diet plans will get you to your goals, safely and sustainably.

In addition to weight loss shakes for a healthy weight loss plan, you have other options available.  We offer a variety of light entrees, snacks, and bars that may be good options for you depending on your needs.  After you’ve discussed your options with your personal physician, please browse our site to find which products will work best within your lifestyle. All can work well with your particular body mass index, and we invite you to call our weight loss coach for more information.

*Everyone is different, so results may vary and no amount of weight loss is guaranteed.